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Made in India, Serving Humanity, Living in Safety Harbor Florida, USA. Healthcare Entrepreneur. Author ”A Philanthropist Without Money” Driven by an inherent desire for knowledge and creative thinking, I harnessed my “Mid Life” energies to becoming a student again, challenging myself to take an executive course in ‘Global Healthcare Innovation’ from Harvard Business School and a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of South Florida. Not satisfied with personal success alone, now I’m on a mission to help other aspiring entrepreneurs through mentoring, nurturing, raising funding, and connecting people with more possibilities.

वो जो एक घर हुआ करता था ।

वो जो एक घर हुआ करता था । कहने को विदेश में था लेकिन विशेष था  जब ख़रीदा था बड़ा महँगा लगता था जब उसमें रहने लगे तो बस अपना लगता था। घुसते ही ऐसे बाहों में भरता था जैसे माँ ने गले से लगा लिया हो।  उसके चारों कोनों में, अलग अलग कुछ यादे…

Read more वो जो एक घर हुआ करता था ।

My family’s journey through the Ram Janmabhoomi Movement, from fear to pride!

It was 1990, and Indian politics was turning around, with the BJP becoming a strong force as a Hindu advocacy party. My father was a staunch Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS volunteer). Still a child, I would accompany him to several RSS-inspired projects nationwide. My father was heading an RSS-inspired institution called Keshav Vidyapeeth.He was the…

Read more My family’s journey through the Ram Janmabhoomi Movement, from fear to pride!

जहाँ डाल डाल पर सोने की चिड़िया करती है बसेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा।

The song in Hindi states that this is a country where golden birds are perched on the branches of trees; that’s my country, Bharat (India). The background score is a very famous song from 1965, originally from the movie Sikander-E-Azam, sung by the legendary Mohammad Rafi, music composed by Hansraj Behl, and written by lyricist:…

Read more जहाँ डाल डाल पर सोने की चिड़िया करती है बसेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा।

माँ का जन्मदिन और उसकी याद में एक पत्र 2022

माँ यहाँ परदेस में तू मुझे बहुत याद आती हे। मुझे पता हे कि phone पे तुझे रोज़ देख पाता हूँ और सुन भी सकता हूँ, लेकिन तुझे महसूस नहीं कर सकता। तेरी पीढ़ा को देख तो पाता हूँ लेकिन उसे हर नहीं कर सकता हूँ। इसी लाचारी में सोचा की शायद एक पत्र लिख…

Read more माँ का जन्मदिन और उसकी याद में एक पत्र 2022